About us

About IHCantabria

We contribute scientific knowledge to the development of projects related to socio-ecological systems associated with water around the world.

IHCantabria is a mixed research institute that arises from the collaboration between two institutions: the University of Cantabria (UC) and the Government of Cantabria, represented through the Foundation Institute of Environmental Hydraulics of Cantabria. This institute was created on March 22, 2007 (World Water Day), with the union of two research groups of the School of Civil Engineering of the University of Cantabria, which had been carrying out an intense scientific-technical activity on topics related to inland and coastal water engineering for more than 25 years. Discover our origins.

This institute specializes in basic and applied research, technology transfer and training.

Some of its areas of expertise are:

  • Climate change and climate services.
  • Marine energy and offshore engineering.
  • Environmental management and planning.
  • Coastal engineering and management.
  • Port engineering and management.
  • Water resources and hydraulic engineering.
  • Natural and anthropic risks.


Projects executed

+ 70

Countries in which they have been
developed projects

+ 800

Scientific articles

+ 11



Year founded

+ 25

Years of experience

+ 30%

Staff with Ph.

+ 100M€

Financing obtained
since its inception

Our way of working

We have a strong commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and aim for our work to contribute to a more just, inclusive, responsible and resilient society.

Our Mission

IHCantabria’s mission is to promote scientific excellence and its transfer with a multidisciplinary and collaborative approach, to drive innovation that contributes to accelerate the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the achievement of a just, inclusive, responsible and resilient society.

Our values

  • Commitment to the sustainability of the planet
  • Service to society
  • Integrity, neutrality and independence in our work
  • Knowledge and responsible research
  • Pursuit of excellence
  • Promotion of innovation

Our vision

IHCantabria’s vision is to become a world reference center in the provision of innovative solutions based on scientific excellence, focused on the integrated management of socio-ecological systems associated with water, to contribute to a more sustainable planet.

Our signs of identity

  • Supporting evidence-based decisions and innovation to contribute to the SDGs
  • Design of integrated solutions for social-ecological water systems, ensuring resilience
  • Capacity building and knowledge transfer to promote scientific and social progress
  • Promotion of sustainable cooperation among academic, business and public agents
  • Innovative management model that triples public investment and guarantees 90% self-financing

Organizational Structure

Board of Directors

Raúl Medina Santamaría
Chief Executive Officer
José A. Juanes de la Peña
Director of Education and Training
Iñigo J. Losada Rodríguez
Research Director
Francisco Royano Gutiérrez
Technology transfer director

Innovative training

Empowering to contribute to the water-related SDGs

IHCantabria’s Education and Training activities are a reflection of its unwavering commitment to academic excellence and contribution to sustainable development in the field of socio-ecological systems linked to water.

The core of our training activities lies in training research personnel, experts and managers to face the challenges of sustainable development linked to the integral water cycle, including its different environmental, social and economic components. This commitment guides all our initiatives, guiding us towards a future where specialized knowledge is the key to addressing the challenges of the social, environmental, digital and just transition of our society.

These activitiesreflect IHCantabria’s ongoing commitment to the education and training of professionals who will lead the way towards a sustainable future. With these initiatives, we seek notonlyto transfer knowledge, but also to inspire the next generation of leaders in the field of challenges related to the different facets of water and associated socio-ecological systems.


Doctoral theses supervised


in active training


Countries of origin
(4 continents)

+300 TFM

Supervised in Official Master’s Degrees


Nationalities in stays
of Master’s students


Collaboration agreements
with universities


VET students, Bachelor’s Degree
and Master’s degree in internships


National and international speakers
in Specialization Seminars