brIHne Papers

Papers y publicaciónes científicas asociadas al producto

  • Abessi, O., Roberts, P. J. W. (2012). “Multiport diffusers for dense discharges”. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, Unpublished manuscript.
  • Alavian, V. (1986). “Behaviour of density current on an incline”. Journal of hydraulic engineering, vol. 112, No 1, pp. 27-42.
  • Cipollina, A., Brucato, A., Grisafi, F., Nicosia, S. (2005). “Bench‐Scale Investigation of Inclined Dense Jets”. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, vol. 131, no 11, pp. 1017 ‐ 1022.
  • Doneker, R. L., Jirka, G. H. (2001). “CORMIX-GI systems for mixing zone analysis of brine wastewater disposal”. Desalination, vol. 139, pp. 263 – 274.
  • Ellison, T. H; Turner, J. S. (1959). “Turbulent entrainment in Stratified Flows”. Journal of Fluid
  • Mechanics, vol. 6. pp. 423‐448.
  • Fischer, H. B., List, E. J., Imberger, J., Brooks, N. H. (1979). “Mixing in island and coastal waters”. Academic Press, N.Y.
  • Frick, W. E. (2004). “Visual Plumes mixing zone modelling software”. Environmental modelling & software, vol. 19, pp 645 – 654.
  • García, M. (1985). “Experimental study of turbidity currents”, Tesis de Maestría en Ingeniería Civil. Universidad de Minnesota, Minneapolis.
  • García, M. (1996). “Environmental Hydrodynamics”, Argentina: Publications Center, Universidad Nacional del Litoral.
  • Lee, J. H. W., Cheung, V. (1990) “Generalized Lagrangian model for buoyant jets in current”. Journal of environmental engineering, vol. 116 (6), pp. 1085 – 1105.
  • Jirka, G. H. (2004). “Integral model for turbulent buoyant jets in unbounded stratified flows. Part I: The single round jet.” Environmental fluid mechanics, vol. 4, pp. 1 – 56.
  • Jirka, G. H. (2006). “Integral model for turbulent buoyant jets in unbounded stratified flows. Part II: Plane jet dynamics resulting from multiport diffuser jets”. Environmental fluid mechanics, vol. 6, pp. 43 – 100.
  • Kikkert, G. A., Davidson, M. J., Nokes, R. I. (2007). “Inclined Negatively Buoyant Discharges”. Journal of Hydraulic engineering, vol. 133, pp. 545 – 554.
  • Koh, R. C. Y. (1981). “Buoyancy Driven Gravitational Spreading”. Coastal Engineering, vol. 15, pp. 2965 ‐ 2975
  • Palomar, P; Lara, J. L; Losada, I. J, Rodrigo, M; Alvarez, A. (2012). “Near Field brine discharge modeling. Part 1: Analysis of commercial tools”. Desalination, vol. 290, pp. 14 – 27.
  • Palomar, P; Lara, J. L; Losada, I. J. (2012). “Near field brine discharge modeling Part 2: Validation of commercial tools”. Desalination, vol. 290, pp. 28 – 42.
  • Papakonstantis, I. G., Papanicolau, P. N., Christodoulou, G. C. (2008). “On the entrainment coefficient in negatively buoyant jets”. Journal of Fluids Mechanics, vol. 614, pp. 447 ‐ 470.
  • Papakonstantis, I. G., Christodoulou, G. C., Papanicolau, P.N. (2011, a). “Inclined negatively buoyant jets 2: Concentration measurements”. Journal of Hydraulics Research, Taylor and Francis Group, vol. 49, No .1, pp. 3 ‐ 12.
  • Papakonstantis, I. G., Christodoulou, G. C., Papanicolau, P.N. (2011, b). “Inclined negatively buoyant jets 1: Geometrical characteristics”. Journal of Hydraulics Research, vol. 49, No. 1, pp. 13 ‐ 22.
  • Papanicolaou, P. N., List, E. J. (1988). “Investigations of round vertical turbulent buoyant jets”.
  • Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 195, pp. 341 ‐ 391.
  • Pincince, A. B., List, E. J. (1973). “Disposal of brine into an estuary”. Journal of the Water Pollution Control Federation, vol. 45, pp. 2335 – 2444.
  • Priestley, C. H. B., Ball (1955). “Continuous convection from an isolated source of heat”. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, vol. 81, pp. 144 ‐ 157.
  • Roberts, P. J. W., Ferrier, A. and Daviero, G. (1997). “Mixing in inclined dense jets”. Journal of hydraulic engineering, vol. 123, N 8, pp. 693 – 698.
  • Roberts, P. J. W., Toms, G. (1987). “Inclined dense jets in a flowing current”. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, vol. 113, nº 3, pp. 323 – 341.
  • Roberts, P. J. W., Ferrier, A. Daviero, G. (1997). “Mixing in inclined dense jets”. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, vol. 123, No 8, pp. 693 – 699.
  • Shao, D., Law, A. W. K. (2010). “Mixing and boundary interactions of 30º and 45º inclined dense jets”. Environmental Fluid Mechanics, vol. 10, nº 5, pp. 521 ‐ 553.
  • Stolzenbach, K. D., Harleman, D. R. F. (1973). “Three‐Dimensional Heated Surface Jets”. Water
  • Resources Research, vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 129 ‐ 137
  • Wang, H., Law, A. W. K. (2002). “Second‐order integral model for a round turbulent buoyant jet”. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 459, pp. 397 ‐ 428.